Infant Mental Health

In this section you will find useful documents and links relating to the delivery of Infant Mental Health Services (IMH), you can access these by going into the IMH drop down menu above. These include resources developed by network staff to support IMH service development. The IMH service development guide is a working document that as we continue our exciting journey to develop, expand and improve services for our wee ones, we will reflect, learn and refine our guidance along with our pathways, role definition papers and job descriptions which we hope you will share with us.

Our Education and Training section has links to NHS Education Scotland (NES), and also includes presentations from the network’s Infant Mental Health Forum about some of the many ways in which parent-infant relationships are supported through skilled intervention, and many others.

Finally, in support of transparency around the discussions and decision-making of the Scottish Government Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board and the Infant Mental Health Implementation and Advisory Group, you can access Delivery Plans and Minutes here –

There is lots of room to develop our IMH section of the PMHNS website and we encourage you to send relevant information to us at

IMH Education & Training

Further information about the NES IMH Training can be found here –

NES Infant Mental Health Training Plan – January 2021

The Brazelton approach to relationship building
Child Psychotherapist as Parent-Infant Therapist
Circle of Security Parenting Intervention
Video Interactive Guidance

IMH Role Definition

IMH Parent – Infant Therapist

IMH Scoping Papers

Scoping papers
Supporting Women, Reducing Harm
Wellbeing For Wee Ones

IMH Service Development

IMH Service Development Guides / Support 

Useful Links   

Parent Infant Foundation Toolkit